Who can help when I have HIV?
We are an HIV support group in Johor and we are dedicated to helping you. Have you been so lost when you have just been diagnosed with HIV? Where do you even begin? This is part of your life that we can share with you. JB-HAPPI is a non-governmental organization created by Dr Jonathan Gui who is the managing director of AMD Clinic to support anyone who has been diagnosed with HIV. Many people who have been diagnosed with HIV feel fear, stigmatized, and worry about society’s perception and acceptance.
Personal Story:
“Focus on yourself and worry about the things you can do to change. Do not worry about things you can’t change because worrying doesn’t change the outcome.”
“So you cannot worry about HIV if you have been diagnosed with it, but you can do something to change and take charge of it.”

Where can I find help when I have HIV?
The whole story about how JB-HAPPI started was in 2017 when I had my first HIV patient. He is technically a person without a country, as his parents are Malaysian Permanent Resident from Indonesia and he is bisexual. I diagnosed him at 21 years old and at that time he did know anything about HIV or about treatment. So I had to talk to him about HIV and assure him that he can seek treatment to get HIV under control. My first phrase to him about HIV, now is my favourite phrase to assure all my patients “You do not die because of HIV, it is controllable with medication. But you can die of other infections if you do not control HIV.” This means HIV does not kill a person. HIV just reduces his or her immunity, therefore, increasing the potency of other infections to kill on behalf of HIV.
JB-HAPPI consist of people living with HIV and they are able to relate to the individual who has been diagnosed with HIV. As the name of this group is called JB-HAPPI, we live by this motto:
"LIVE HAPPY WITH JB-HAPPI". We are non-funded and volunteer to aid anyone who is HIV positive. We actually bring them for follow-up, help them through the transition, advise them about life-style changes, and counsel them about their newfound condition.
Our members are outgoing and with their positive attitudes, they are able to pass their happiness to others while living with HIV. Our members have journeyed the pathway from acquiring HIV and to learn and accept to live with HIV, they will be the best to support and understand those who are new to living with HIV.
Our dream is that HIV stigma can be seen in a better light rather than to shun and corner those with HIV. It takes a village to overcome this fear and JB-HAPPI wants to be that village! Our work is still far from fruition but it is a start.

Frequently asked questions?
How can JB-HAPPI help you? We are here to help you understand about HIV, the changes in your body, expectation of your disease, live strong and proud while embracing the current “YOU”
Can I ask JB-HAPPI for help while being anonymous? Yes. You are indeed anonymous. You will be directed to a single person in the group and you will communicate with the volunteer on a one-on-one basis therefore your information will be anonymous.
I need someone to talk to. Can I use JB-HAPPI? Yes. You can call our hotline and we will direct you to the best available person.
Are there any activities that I can join in the JB-HAPPI support group? Yes. We usually have meetings and topics will be shared regarding health and HIV. You can join us.
What can I do for my condition? It is important to be brave and live! There is no fear of having to live with HIV. Many people are thriving and succeeding in life despite living with HIV. Start treatment early and prevent complications of uncontrolled HIVDiscuss with Dr Jonathan and he will help you.
What are the benefits of JB-HAPPI support group? You will have a buddy-buddy system to help you get through your journey living with HIV. During the COVID-19 lockdown, some people in our group are working overseas and we help them collect medications and also deliver the medications so that they can still get continued treatment. Stay up to date with the new treatments and news about HIV. We have group meetings where we discuss topics related to HIV.
Do you have questions about your insurance policy or policies, while living with HIV? Yes. We have a board of panelists who are from Great Eastern, Prudential, and AIA to sit down and help you out. They will advise you on the methods to protect your insured personal interest.
Can I still claim insurance if I am HIV positive? There are certain conditions that you can still claim despite being HIV positive but you will need to discuss with our insurance board. Do not worry! Your secret is safe with us!
How do I join JB-HAPPI? Get in touch with AMD Clinic at 012-8077720 and get some details
Are there any charges to join this group? There is no charge. We would like that you remain active in JB-HAPPI and participate in our events. Our events range from:
Monthly gatherings
Karaoke sessions
Yearly overnight gathering
Helping another fellow member in the group or individuals who are in need of support.

Who can I contact for more information about HIV and to get support?
Do you have any medical-related information about HIV? AMD Clinic: 012-8077720 (Dr. Jonathan Gui)
How do I contact JB-HAPPI and can I get support? Call or message us on Whatsapp 012-8077720 and we will direct you to the currently available person in your area.